
How To Create A Video Resume That Can Help Land Your Dream Job

Koushik Marka
September 16, 2019

Ahoy there, job seekers!

Are you searching for a way to stand out from this crowd of qualified candidates?

Up your resume game using the power of video!

Yes, you heard that right! You do not have to stick to a paper and your printer ink while submitting your job application. 

Whip out your cameras and present your standard paper resume in the form of a compelling video. 

With 89% employers interested in watching a video resume, it is a great tool for you to utilize immediately.

Much like Elle Woods managed to get into Harvard Law by submitting a hilarious and slightly over-the-top video essay, you can also get your creative juices flowing and come up with video ideas that will surely grab the attention of prospective employers. 

Wait a minute though. Before you rush out to make one, take a look at the things to keep in mind while creating a video resume.

Tips on making an AMAZING video resume

Let us now look at exactly how to make a video resume that will stand apart from the rest of the crowd.

1. Prepare a script


Video resume? Sounds simple, right? Just a video of you reading out your resume.


Before you film your video resume, be prepared with a script. 

Use your paper resume as the base. Edit it as you see fit, and even add a few new snippets about yourself. 

Since you’ll get to edit the whole video afterward, you can refer to the video resume script in between shots. 

2. Do NOT just read your script out loud

Instead of staring at your script on a teleprompter and reading it aloud like a robot, talk to the viewer about yourself.

When you do speak, make sure that what you say does not come across as scripted. Sprinkle a little emotion now and then and make your words sound genuine and straight from the heart.

3. Sound conversational and happy

Project positivity with each of your words. 

Sound happy and talk casually. Obviously, use the right words and never swear. Ooze professionalism. 

Make the person watching understand that you are friendly, trustworthy and also hard working. 

4. Add a little humor

Being a little funny is a great way to pique your audience’s interests and make them more attentive. 

Be warned, this may not work for all types of jobs. Act wisely and be funny only if you’re sure your potential employer has a good sense of humor. 

You could even add some interesting tidbits about yourself, or maybe an incident that greatly affected you. While adding these make sure that you don’t stretch out the video. 

5. Actions speak louder than words

What do you do in a written resume? You list out things you are good at, add a few flourishes here and there, present yourself in the best light possible. In addition to doing all these, you can show yourself in action while making a resume video. 

Yuss, if you are good at something (that is relevant to the job you are applying for or is a hobby you have come to consider yourself a pro at), take a video of yourself doing it. 

If you are skilled at animation, why not make a time-lapse video of you creating something marvelous? The hiring manager will get a taste of how useful you will be, for their team even before you show up for an interview. 

Tip the scales in your favor, right?

6. Ensure the quality of the video

You do not have to buy a DSLR for filming your video resume. But if you do have one lying around, sure, use that.

Even your smartphone camera with a decent quality will do. Prop it up on something stable or use a tripod. Shaky footage will put off almost anyone. 

When you start filming, choose a location that is well-lit or free of any distractions. Make use of natural lighting or position a light source properly. 

Yeah, I didn’t stress too much on the quality of your camera, but you MUST ensure that the audio recorded is of the best quality. Connect an external mic (buy one off Amazon, or borrow from a friend) to your camera and don’t rely on the inbuilt one. 

With better audio, your video resume will immediately attain another level of professionalism.

7. Use B-roll shots

Ever watched a testimonial video with shots from the speaker’s life and thought, “whoa that’s damn cool”?

Well, that’s basically what B-roll footage is.

If you want more than just your face speaking to the camera, use B-roll shots. 

Add a few scenes of you walking around and doing things. If you have clips from your old workplace or somewhere you had volunteered at, even better! 

These clips will give the viewers a glimpse into the kind of person you are, how you behave in different environments. 

If they like what they see, BANG you have a new job! (Of course, you must have the right qualifications too, but you know that already) 

8. Dress professionally

Keep in mind that you're not filming a movie based on a Broadway musical. Also, don’t forget that you want to look like you deserve the job and not like someone too lazy to make an effort. 

This is a very straightforward tip. Dress smart and look professional. Brush down your wild mane, steam out the wrinkles from your clothes, and basically do everything you’d do if you were going to meet the employer in person. 

This will be your chance to make a first impression, so don’t dress like you are attending a costume party or #wokeuplikethis. A little effort goes a long way.  

9. Shoot several takes

Video resumes could help you get your dream job if done right. So, don’t be content with the first take, especially if you feel like it lacks something. Record several takes, change your backgrounds, shift your position, enunciate your words better, etc. 

Keep filming until you are ABSOLUTELY certain that this is the video you want your future boss to see (and possibly the world, since most things on the internet become public sooner or later).

10. Keep it short

Unless you are a celebrity like Freddie Mercury or Alan Turing (The Imitation Game), don’t produce a 2-hours long movie.  

People living in this technologically advanced era are infamous for their extremely short attention spans. 

In order to make sure that people DO watch your video, keep it short. If they see that its a 10-minute long video right when they open it up, the viewers will give a little sigh and move on to other things.

The best thing to do would be to keep the video under the two minutes, preferably between 60 and 90 seconds. 

11. Add a CTA

Don’t leave your viewers wondering what to do next once they have watched your amazing video resume. Especially if you are uploading your video on a platform like LinkedIn, tell them to click on the link given in the description to learn more about you or to contact you. Add links to your website, your LinkedIn profile, or anything that seems relevant. 

Now you have a good idea about creating an amazing video resume. Before you go about making one, take a look at some great examples of video resumes made by people just like you for inspiration.

6 examples of ingenious video resumes

1. Matthew Epstein

You cannot talk about video resumes without mentioning this epic one made by Matthew Epstein in order to be hired by Google. He prepared a little skit complete with a fake mustache and even gets rid of his pants at one point (all in the name of comedy). He sounds extremely confident and mentions his areas of expertise and what he can do for the company once hired. 

2. Chris Munro

Chris Munro begins his video resume with a quote from Freddie Mercury. He created the video for a company that asked the candidates not to submit an ordinary resume. Being a video producer himself, a video resume was a great method for him to showcase his skills while talking about it. He talks about his schooling, talents, and experiences and shows how passionate he is about telling stories using videos. Though the video exceeds the ideal length that was prescribed, it is a great example of how you should create a video resume. 

3. Laura Harris

Laura Harris, a Front End Web Developer, begins her resume by saying that she didn’t want to make a traditional resume and cover letter combo. She then crumbles up a piece of paper to show what happens to these resumes. Her video contains cheerful music and she is seen to be smiling throughout. She uses the video to display the previous work she has done instead of just listing out her abilities. Submitting such a video while applying for a job would be a great way to make your potential employers take notice of you and feel the desire to reach out. 

4. Aleksandra Szejnoga

Aleksandra Szejnoga created this very interesting video resume in the form of an interview conducted by herself. In the video, she describes why she is looking for a job right out of high school, lists out her skills, hobbies, and qualifications. While watching the video the viewer will get the impression that she is quite creative, talented and works hard. Such a video is a great option to help you stand out when you are on a job search. 

5. Sajita Nair

This is a pretty straightforward and short video resume with a plain white background and no extra stuff. Sajita Nair begins the video by talking about the kind of employee the firm viewing this video would need. She then moves on to describe herself as the ideal candidate. She continues listing out her education, qualifications and other skills including the knowledge of 5 languages. This video is extremely professional and easily gets to the point.

6. Miguel Durao

Miguel Durao, when searching for a copywriting job, created an entirely unique video resume. In his video, instead of talking about himself and his qualifications, he describes his gorgeous girlfriend, showing the viewer how good he is with words. Towards the end of the video, he says that if this video doesn’t convince people about his copywriting abilities, he has no idea what will. He comes across as both confident and funny, all the while showcasing his abilities. 

Wrapping up

Glad you made it to the end. It is time for you to make a kickass video resume using the inputs we have listed above.

If you are a little unsure about how to proceed, don’t hesitate to reach out to us and ask for help.

Also, tell us in the comments section about the amazing resume videos that you make.  

Koushik Marka

Founder @ Studiotale. He is passionate about helping brands grow with video and has expertise in video marketing & 2D animation. When he is not working, he loves playing video games and traveling.


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